Submit Your Work To Cities&Health Special Issue On: Planning For People And Health: Environmental Psychology In The City

Cities&Health have published a recent call for contributions for a special issue on Environmental Psychology: ‘Planning for people and health: Environmental Psychology in the city’ that may of interest to some of you.

Hannah Arnett has been working as co-guest editor with Lindsay McCunn to develop the scope – they hope to encourage article submissions from a design or/and public health perspective.

The issue will share how environmental psychology, as part of transdisciplinary approaches, can help address complex challenges in urban health and environmental issues. The aim is for the special issue to communicate innovative perspectives in relation to urban people-environment relations and some of the key areas include fostering pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours, social sustainability and urban mental health and wellbeing.

It would be fantastic if any of the Future Leap Community would like to submit commentaries, articles or case studies to the special issue. If you have any questions or ideas you’d like to chat about – then please do get in touch.

The deadline is 30th April 2022.

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