On the 19th of October, the Future Leap Network and Bristol City Council hosted an interactive workshop titled “Tackling Climate Change: Bristol Businesses and the One City Approach”. Before the event began, the attendees enjoyed some pre-sessional networking.
Katherine Piper of Future Leap welcomed the attendees before giving an insight into The Future Leap Network, Future Leap Hub and the many benefits of membership, as well as the Festival of Sustainable Business.
The workshop leaders then introduced themselves.
Dr Emily White, Climate Change Project Manager, Bristol City Council
Richard Martin, Climate Change Project Manager, Bristol City Council
The attendees of the workshop were then given time to introduce themselves and their interest in the workshop.

Workshop part 1
- What the One City approach means for Bristol
- The Climate Change strategy
- Where are Bristol businesses at?
The group was split into 3 smaller groups where an in-depth discussion occurred on the following questions: where is your business at? Things you have done? Things you’d like to do? Do you have a 2030 ambition? Do you have a plan? Challenges you’ve met? The groups were encouraged to feedback to the workshop leaders and wider group on what they had discussed.

Workshop Part 2
- No regrets guide to decarbonisation
- Electricity, heat and transport (and waste)
- The challenges to Bristol businesses
The group then gathered in their smaller groups to discuss things they could do today, things they could do in maybe 6-12 months, things they could do with investment, things they could do with management buy in and things that are difficult to do with current tech & legal structures.

How can we solve these challenges?
- Initiatives to help businesses decarbonise
- WECA: Green Business Grants /Tools and resources
- No Regrets guide to decarbonisation

After a final round of refreshments and networking, Katherine then brought the event to a close, thanking Bristol City Council, all the speakers and attendees, which without our events calendar would not be possible.