In light of Christmas just around the corner Future Leap put together a hybrid event on the topic of ‘Consumerism and Behavioural Change’. Before the event began, the attendees enjoyed some pre sessional networking both in-person over coffee and online.
Katherine Piper of Future Leap welcomed the attendees before giving an insight into The Future Leap Network, Future Leap Hub and the many benefits of membership, as well as the Festival of Sustainable Business. The session opened with Katherine quoting Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, stating “companies that don’t adapt will go bankrupt without question”. This poignant message set the tone of the event, and thus commenced deliberation of what that adaption may look like.
- Ben Tolhurst, Director, Business Declares
- Gideon Barker, Founder and Insight Director, Customer IQ
- Katie Endacott, Head of Operations and Fundraising, Frank Water
- Julie Savage, Board Member, The Party Kit Network

Ben Tolhurst, Business Declares
Ben stressed the importance of a circular economy, addressed the behavioural shift required from competition to cooperation within the business arena and reminded us GDP is not congruent with happiness. Within behavioural change, Ben illustrated business will be a vital component in pushing the government to change and educating employees. An economic, ethical and psychological review of what growth embodies in the 21st century was made. Ben’s immutable message is that a psychological shift to cooperation and conscious giving, need to be at the forefront of the individual’s mind.

Gideon Barker, Customer IQ
Gideon gave us a ‘behind the scenes’ insight into how marketing strategy operates, with a focus on customer centricity. He posed the question ‘does customer centricity philosophy go hand in hand with sustainable business?’. In short, no – but it could if we (as the customer) change. Gideon shared how traditional businesses see consumers, then went on to share how a sustainable customer-centric business would see the customer. He highlighted the need for a shift from what the consumer ‘wants’ to what a consumer ‘needs’. Gideon’s resonating message is that businesses follow the consumer, thus is we start changing our behaviours, businesses will follow.

Katie Endacott, Frank Water
Katie Endacott introduced us to the incredible work Frank Water is doing; helping marginalised communities sustainably manage their water. She emphasised the importance of ensuring we make the most out of what is in front of us, in both agriculture, manufacturing and working together. Katie reminded us that this Christmas, do we need gifts of ‘tat’ that will make their way to charity shops, landfill, or the like? Or should we give gifts that help someone? The influence of charities is changing, and a small donation can go a long way in leveraging governments to change. Katie’s lasting message was the value in efficiency, effectiveness and conscious application of what we do.

Julie Savage, Party Kit Network
Julie spoke about the fantastic company the Party Kit Network. It is a perfect case study on where sustainability, collaboration and community spirit trumps traditional business models, both fiscally and environmentally. The Party Kit Network operates on a shared economy ethos, where local people within the community come together to share party equipment, connected via a zero-fee website. What began as reusable tableware for child’s parties has now expanded to being used for weddings, picnics and gallery openings. Julie leaves us pleasingly curious about such a business model, whilst also sharing future visions of how it may progress.

After each speaker, time was given for rigorous hybrid Q&A which provoked fascinating insights.
60 second pitches
Attendees made great use of 60 second pitch opportunity. We heard from companies that support the circular economy model, are carbon positive and involved in ethical marketing. This included Network members Garrett Creative, Bristol Pay, Tusko and Presca Sportswear.

After hearing the upcoming events. Katherine brought the event to a close, thanking all the speakers and attendees, whom without our event would not be possible. Those who attended virtually went into breakout rooms and those in person enjoyed networking with pastries and hot beverages.
Written by Max Shirley, Consultancy Team, Future Leap