Outdoor Solar Lighting

Outdoor solar lighting

Future Leap Solar Lighting for Outdoor Locations

Future Leap provides the latest in permanent and temporary outdoor solar lighting solutions in the UK. Our outdoor lighting systems rely on renewable energy and are an important element in reducing carbon emissions. 

How doOutdoor Solar Lights Work?

Our outdoor solar lights include an embedded solar panel that converts the sun’s energy into electrical power. This energy is then stored within an inbuilt battery, providing high-quality LED lighting throughout the year.  

The latest solar LED technology ensures consistent light levels that last, with no trenching or cabling, no emissions and no fuss. 

Solar Street Lighting

With our permanent solar street lights, discover world-class technology and enjoy high-quality, off-grid lighting all year round. There’s no need to dig trenches or lay underground cables, saving installation costs. Make the most of our full installation service, available for new lamp posts or retrofitting.  

Use outdoor street lights for  

  • Street lighting  
  • Footpaths  
  • Parks and recreation areas  
  • Public areas  
  • Marinas and harbours  
  • Bus stops and shelters  

Solar Bollards

Our solar bollards are built with the latest LED technology for bright illumination. Next-generation battery charging optimises power usage and ensures long-lasting illumination through rain, shine or snow. Vandal-proofed and easy to install, these bollards are attractive and modern, perfect for any location.  

Use solar bollards for  

  • Housing developments  
  • Pathways and driveways  
  • Perimeter lighting  
  • Low-level car park
  • lighting  
  • Security and entrances  
  •  Marinas and harbours  
  • Footpaths, walkways and cycleways  

What are the advantages of solar lighting? 

  • Low maintenance – due to the lack of off-grid electricity, a reduction in moving parts and the durability of components, solar lighting requires minimal maintenance  
  • Cost-effective – Following initial payment for the unit, there are no energy bills
  • Sustainable – Solar lighting utilises the sun’s renewable energy, creating an environmentally friendly option for businesses aiming to reduce their carbon footprint
  • Unaffected by power cuts – solar street lighting ensures safety in a power cut as there is no reliability on the electrical grid

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