‘Twas a Green Christmas at Future Leap
November at Future Leap
October at Future Leap
September at Future Leap
August at Future Leap
July at Future Leap
The Road to B Corp™ Certification: Future Leap’s Journey
May at Future Leap with Megan Gallagher
COP26 Is Just Around The Corner
Dear Readers,
Wow, what a busy few weeks for those involved in anything sustainability-related! I hope, despite this, you have the time to take a few minutes out of your busy day to grab a cuppa and read all the exciting news from our Future Leap Network. There is a lot to share!
With COP26 just around the corner, our activities are certainly ramping up. Indeed, since the last time of writing a month ago, we have delivered a whopping 10 sustainability-related events with a total of 770+ attendances. A huge shout out to the whole team for their work on this, ensuring the delivery of some exceptional, inspiring hybrid seminars, workshops and networking events.
Outside of Future Leap’s events, there has also been a lot of exciting COP-related activity. I had the opportunity, for example, to shout out about Future Leap’s activities during the Zero Carbon Tour and I was recently filmed sharing my decision to not fly until there are low carbon flights (both films to follow in the next week or two!). I was also invited onto a Bristol 24/7 expert panel exploring whether Bristol can be the first net zero city and Future Leap also partnered with the Blue Earth Summit, ensuring a vibrant two-day programme of activities.
And the activities continue….we are delighted to be partnering with several local authorities and key players on various initiatives in the run up to COP26. We are particularly excited to be delivering some of the COP26 Green Zone event The Business of Net Zero in partnership with Bristol City Council and Future Leap Network members, Business West.
So that gives an overview of our involvement, but our plans go way beyond COP26, with the team pulling together the next element of our Festival of Sustainable Business; the Gala Dinner Sustainable Business Awards ceremony, taking place on 7th April 2022. As part of our commitment to Bristol’s One City approach, Future Leap has taken on Goal 43: ‘Bristol holds annual awards to recognise individuals, communities and organisations for their leadership and contribution to an environmentally sustainable and socially just future.’ If your organisation has made contributions towards sustainability in relation to Buildings, Communicating the Climate and Ecological Emergency, The Natural Environment, Travel and Transport and/or Reduction of Waste and Consumption, you might want to think about applying. You can register your interested here, and we will be in touch to let you know as soon as applications go live. Deadline for application: 1st Feb 2022 midday, winners will receive a physical award (made sustainably from waste plastic) and a year’s membership to the Future Leap Network.
Finally, I am delighted to see that we are not the only ones going full speed ahead to make the most of the opportunities that COP26 presents. As you will see in this month’s newsletter, our wonderful Future Leap Network members have also been doing some amazing things in the name of the climate and ecological emergency! Enjoy your read!
Katherine Piper
Head of Partnerships and Sustainability