‘Twas a Green Christmas at Future Leap
November at Future Leap
October at Future Leap
September at Future Leap
August at Future Leap
July at Future Leap
The Road to B Corp™ Certification: Future Leap’s Journey
May at Future Leap with Megan Gallagher
New Venue Announced for the Festival of Sustainable Business
Dear Readers,
I hope you all managed to enjoy some time off over the Easter break. Here at Future Leap, a pause in our weekly events over the Easter holidays meant that our Events Team could focus their energies on the Festival of Sustainable Business, taking place in June. Indeed, my favourite day of the work calendar has happened since I last wrote….that being the taste testing and finalising of the sustainably sourced, three course meal for the gala dinner….delicious! If you have not yet heard about our Festival, here are some dates for your diary:
- Gala Dinner and Sustainable Business Awards Ceremony – 16th June, The Bristol. Tickets can be bought here.
- Free Sustainable Business Exhibition and Green Transport Zone – 23rd June, The Paintworks. Register to attend here.
You may have noticed that the exhibition venue has changed. Due to the fire at We The Curious, we have had to move elsewhere but I wanted to take this opportunity to ask that you support We The Curious at this challenging time. Suggestions as to how you can support the charity can be found here. Thank you in advance.
Another thank you goes to Ed and the team at Garrett Creative. They have been supporting Future Leap’s Comms and Marketing team with the creation of a new website, which launched last week! Ed, it has been a pleasure working with you on this, thank you for your skills, passion and patience!
The launch of the new website coincides with the launch of our new sustainable business hub in Clifton. Bookings are now being accepted and we look forward to welcoming co-workers into the new space which opens on 3rd May. Various other Future Leap team members and I will be basing ourselves there to ensure that we continue to deliver that buzz and community feel that we are so proud of in the Gloucester Road hub. I hope to see you there!
And finally, let’s not forget our wonderful Network and Consultancy teams who work tirelessly to help organisations progress on their sustainability journeys. You can read more about recent consultancy work here. Do get in touch if you think they might be able to support your organisation.
Thanks for reading and see you at the Festival, if not before!
Head of Partnerships and Sustainability at Future Leap