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Good Employment Charter
Step up to Lead: Funded Training for New Managers with Weston College
Written by Weston College
Recent research from the CMI0 Good Management Report states that 52% of managers do not hold any management qualifications and 82% of managers who enter leadership roles have not had any formal training. As such they become ‘accidental managers’.
We know that ineffective managers have a deep impact on employees including motivation loss, below par satisfaction, and more probability of staff wanting to leave their role.
*NEW for 2024 is Weston College’s new funded training programme, ‘Step up to Lead’, which is suitable for any team members and businesses that may be looking to or are on route to progress leadership/team manager roles.
Weston College will be delivering funded training to business in Bristol. The training will challenge these statistics and implement a pipeline of trained, talented managers into your organisation. It is underpinned by the Leadership and Management diploma but has been condensed to a 6-month certificate programme to respond to business need for shorter training options that yield effective results.
If you are keen to explore any of the above further, please reach out to start your next generation of leaders on the right track at employers@weston.ac.uk.