Retrofitting Your Business: The Property Transition

17th November | 8am-10:30am | Bristol and Online

Retrofitting property is one of the most important, cost-effective actions a business can take in their commitment towards sustainability.

Future Leap Clifton, The Old Chapel, 16 Oakfield, Bristol, BS8 2AP (and Online)

Kindly sponsored by Kensa Contracting!

Free to Future Leap members

logo for kensa contracting

Retrofitting property is one of the most important, cost-effective actions a business can take in their commitment towards sustainability.


Find out why you need to retrofit your business property, and how you can do it.


Understand the heat and buildings strategy, and how it affects you.


Learn about the the energy crisis and how it affects the non domestic sector.


Understand the fabric first approach to energy-efficient buildings.


Finally, find out what role heat pumps play in the built environment achieving net zero – including a new fully funded heat pump model.


Wake up with a sustainably-sourced breakfast, meet and network with likeminded organisations, and get inspired to progress your sustainability journey.


Join us for this hybrid business breakfast in our new second hub in Clifton, kindly sponsored by Kensa Contracting.


08:00 – 08:20 – Registration, Breakfast and Networking [Plus Virtual Attendees Networking Session]

08:20 – 08:30 – Introduction by Future Leap

08:30 – 08:45 – David Broom, Managing Director, Kensa Contracting – Scene setting (heat and building strategy, WECA strategy, and the energy crisis)

08:45 – 09:00 – Lucy Pedler, Director, The Green Register – The fabric first approach to energy efficient buildings

09:00 – 09:15 – Richard Jones, Non-Domestic Business Development Manager, Kensa Contracting- Case studies and the fully funded heat pump model09:15 – 09:45 – Q&A


09:45 – 09:50 – 60 Second Pitches

09:50 – 10:00 – Close

10:00 – 10:30 – Optional Networking & Tea/Coffee [Plus Virtual Attendees Networking Session till 10:15]

Meet the Speakers!

David Broom, Managing Director, Kensa Contracting

David has 14 years of experience working with the design and application of ground source heat pumps. David joined Kensa in 2008 and in his time with the company, he has played a key role in establishing shared ground loops as a recognized solution for tackling fuel poverty, carbon reduction, air quality and energy security in both the social housing and new build development sector.

Lucy Pedler, Director, The Green Register

Lucy is an architect with over 30 years of professional experience in the UK and USA and has particular expertise in sustainable building practices.

Lucy worked as a Product Specialist at Construction Resources, the UK’s first Ecological Building Centre, for five years. She spent the first two years researching the environmental impact of ecologically sound building materials and systems and the subsequent three years advising architects, other professionals and visitors on the appropriate selection of building materials. She was also responsible for running the seminar programme at Construction Resources and still makes regular presentations to architects and other organisations as part of The Green Register team.

Lucy created The Green Register in 2000 as part of her lifelong commitment to the promotion of sustainable buildings.


Want to Know More?

If you would like to join our sustainable business community please get in touch via or sign up easily here.

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Opportunities, Suggestions and Conditions

Future Leap Clifton is a unique listed building, which means it has some restrictions we cannot change. Access to the event room is wheelchair accessible, but large wheelchairs may not fit. 

Please contact us if you are arriving in a wheelchair and wish to check if your wheelchair will fit. If it does not, we are happy to provide you with virtual attendance.

Please let us know at least one week in advance if you require closed captions or have any other accessibility needs, this includes wheelchair users.

If you require a complimentary carers/assistant ticket, please email at least one week in advance and we will be happy to support you!

Physical Attendees: It is important we look after each other and keep safe. Please do not attend if you have any covid symptoms. Physical attendees must adhere to all safety guidelines sent in advance of the event.

Most of our events are available on demand here, however this does not include opportunities to network, take part in the discussions or do a 60 second pitch!

We will share your name, job title & company with the other event attendees for this event only. If you don’t want this information to be shared please let us know when you have purchased your ticket.

We take photos at our events for marketing purposes, if you don’t want your picture taken please let us know in advance.

We record some of our events for marketing purposes, if you don’t want to be in the recording please let us know in advance.

We have included a £1 carbon offsetting fee to all paid event tickets in our commitment to being carbon neutral in our operations. You can find out about our chosen charity here.

Agenda and speaker changes sometimes happen out of our control. We reserve the right to make these changes at any time.

#wegrowthhub #business #seminar #sustainable #sme #bristol #leadingtheway #bristolcommunity #bristolcity #bristolbusiness #bristolnetzero #netzero #carbonneutral #retrofit #retrofitting #property #buildings #builtenvironment #fabricfirst #beis #heat #energy #heatpumps #carbon

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