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Motherhood In A Climate Crisis: Storytelling Project Of Our Times Secures £17k Of Funding
FLN member, Sophia Cheng of With Many Roots has successfully raised £17k to start work on a creative storytelling project. They are now seeking sponsorship from progressive brands to ensure the outreach that this topic warrants.
It’s a collaborative creative project resulting in a public performance of personal stories from self-identifying women wrestling with these two topics at the same time. The idea is to challenge the taboo and put this conversation on the map. To bust out of green echo chambers and help people feel the weight of the climate crisis. And NOT to position one woman against another but explore all the nuances around how the climate crisis is shaping how (and if) we mother.
Sophia Cheng has spoken at some FLN events encouraging members to feel the weight of the climate crisis. And no where is that more prominent than in the ‘burden of responsible choice’ many people of a certain age are feeling.
When asked about her motivation for the project, Sophia responds; “My biological clock seems to be closing on track with the amount of time we have left to prevent runaway climate change.”
A central theme of the project is care. Partnering with the Climate Psychology Alliance, therapeutic practitioners are involved from the creative part of the process all the way through to performance. Even after the event, the CPA will be hosted dedicated Climate Cafes on the topic. A dedicated landing page will signpost towards further resources and support groups around the world.
And there is a Bristol theme running through the project, from Creative Producer Celia Turley based in Bristol, to in-kind support from The Old Vic and their latest funder The Brigstow Insitute, which is part of Bristol University.
But champions herald from further afield too, including Jen Gale, author of The Sustainable-is Guide to Parenting, Dr Britt Wray, researcher and TED speaker and Blythe Pepino, musician and co-founder of 2019’s Birthstrike.
The project has secured enough funding for the first creative part of the project to start. The second phase of fundraising to to build an ambitious and inclusive outreach programme, press appearances, interviews, social media campaign to drive interest towards a live online event where women will be sharing their story publicly, live for the first time. There will also be spoken word poetry from Shagufta Iqbal and musical performance from Blythe Pepino.
With Sabba Kahn’s powerful illustration you can find out more about the project here.
If you’re curious. There are three ways you can get involved:
- Are you a business that wants to platform courageous conversations? Explore sponsorship options here.
- Do you know anyone that might be able to help? Perhaps with connections or know-how. Let Sophia know
- Might you or someone you know be willing to contribute to a crowdfunder? Let us know.
You can contact Sophia directly at sophia@withmanyroots.com